Sylvania first
Open. Invitational. Disciple makers.
We exist to be facilitators of change in our community
Join us this Sunday in person at 9:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall or 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary. Or, for your convenience, join us online for the 11:00 a.m. service.
Latest News
Wednesday Night Program 2/26/25: No Boundaries Tour 2025
On February 26th, we won’t be having our traditional Wednesday Night Supper, but the adults will be getting our pre-ordered Buck Creek BBQ plates delivered to the church, and we’ll be hosting Scott Gottschalk at 6:30. Scott is a motivational speaker and Harley...
Family Night Supper
UPDATE: PLEASE NOTE THAT WE'VE ADDED FEBRUARY 19TH TO OUR WEDNESDAY NIGHT SUPPER SCHEDULE. . Our Family Night Suppers are back in full swing. We look forward to the meal and fellowship each week--it's truly a blessing to have this time together. The schedule for the...
Church Cookbook
We're excited to announce the church cookbook is now available for purchase. It's a combination of favorite, old recipes and lots of new recipes. You can get your copy for $15 from the church office or on Sunday mornings or Wednesday Night through the Methodist Women....