Sylvania first
Open. Invitational. Disciple makers.
We exist to be facilitators of change in our community
Join us this Sunday in person at 9:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall or 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary. Or, for your convenience, join us online for the 11:00 a.m. service.
Latest News
Why Does the SGA GMC Exist?
Our Conference Exist to Help Local Churches Hey South Georgia Global Methodist, The South Georgia Annual Conference exists to help local churches!. That is the whole point of the Annual Conference and we do it in 4 important ways: We help churches help people...
Sock & Undie Sundays
The Sylvania Methodist Women are collecting new socks and underwear, all sizes for both boys and girls, to provide to our locals schools for children in need. Baskets will be in the fellowship hall and narthex for you to drop off your donation. Please join us in...
Wednesday Night Program 2/26/25: No Boundaries Tour 2025
On February 26th, we won’t be having our traditional Wednesday Night Supper, but the adults will be getting our pre-ordered Buck Creek BBQ plates delivered to the church, and we’ll be hosting Scott Gottschalk at 6:30PM. Scott, a motivational speaker and Harley...