Use the Blueprint
January 29, 2023

Use the Blueprint

Passage: 2 Timothy 3:12-17, 2 Peter 2:5, Psalm 37:23-24, Isaiah 48:17
Service Type:

Sermon Notes
The Bible contains God’s B_________ and P_____ for our lives.
“Attention to detail is not about perfection.
It’s about excellence, about constant improvement.”
― Chris Denny
Stop Making E____________!   Start R____________ the Bible!
“Excuses are for people who don’t want it bad enough”
―   Anonymous
“If you are ignorant of God’s Word,
you will always be ignorant of God’s will.”
                                                                                           – Billy Graham
Start Reading in this order

( ) John              (  ) Mark               3.   (  ) Genesis      4.  (  ) Exodus
( ) Romans        (  ) Ephesians     7.   (  ) Colossians

How to Read
Pray, Read, Pause & Process, Pray, Preserve (make notes),  Put into Practice, Refer back often.

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