More Than Words

Bringing Life to Our Words

June 12, 2022


James 1:15-17

[15]Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.
[16]Don’t be deceived, my dear brothers and sisters. [17]Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.


1 John 2:3-6

[3]We know that we have come to know him if we keep his commands. [4]Whoever says, “I know him,” but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in that person. [5]But if anyone obeys his word, love for God is truly made complete in them. This is how we know we are in him: [6]Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did.

John 13:15-17

[15]I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. [16]Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. [17]Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.

Welcome to Sylvania First UMC!

(912) 564-2747

[email protected]

This Week’s Announcements

Church Information Sheet

Church Information Sheet

In early July, we started collecting information to input into a new database to help us better communicate with you, to more efficiently maintain our membership records, and to record giving. Our hope is that each person will complete the data sheet at their earliest...

Highlighted Missionary

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Prayer Requests

Cookbook Recipes

Calling all cooks & bakers! We need your help!

We’re still collecting recipes for our cookbook. We hope to include at least one recipe from every one of our church members and attenders, but you’re welcome to send as many as you’d like. You can send a picture of your favorite recipe(s) or jot it down on a notepad and send it our way. You can email it to [email protected] or give it to any of the ladies on the cookbook committee. We so look forward to getting your entries!!

Allyson Thomas
Mary Matthews
Becky Jones
Deanne Fitzner
Nancy Scott
Diane Freeman
Joyce Jamerson


Results of Departure Vote & Church Council’s Recent Actions

A letter from Pastor Dorsia:

Dear Sylvania First UMC Member,

As the pastor of Sylvania First United Methodist Church, I wanted to give you the results of the recent historic vote our church held this past Monday, to determine if we should depart from The United Methodist Church denomination for reasons of conscience regarding a change in the requirements and provisions of The Book of Discipline related to the practice of homosexuality or the ordination or marriage of self-avowed practicing homosexuals or the actions or inactions of the Annual Conference related to these issues.

I understand that this decision impacts each of us in different ways. For many, this choice brings a sense of relief and hope for the future. For others, it may bring feelings of sadness, loss, or uncertainty. I want to acknowledge and honor the diverse emotions within our congregation.

Our church family is built on the foundation of Christ’s love, which calls us to empathy, understanding, and compassion. As we move forward, let us remember to support one another, to listen with open hearts, and to extend grace in all our interactions. We are bound together not by uniformity of thought but by our shared faith and commitment to serve God and one another.

Below and attached are the results of the vote, along with recent actions that our Church Council has taken based on the vote results.


There were 181 votes cast:

  • 152 votes to depart the UMC (84%)
  • 29 votes to remain UMC

Because this passed the required two-thirds minimum to depart, The United Methodist Church denomination has entered into an agreement with the Trustees of Sylvania First UMC, for the purchase and sale of the real and personal property of Sylvania First United Methodist Church to a new church to be formed by the members of Sylvania First United Methodist Church at the price and on the terms set out in the Trustees’ Policy adopted on February 22, 2022.

At a predetermined date, we will temporarily transfer the church title and all its real and personal, tangible and intangible property to the South Georgia Annual Conference Board of Trustees (the “Trustees”) in accordance with paragraph 2549.3(a) of The Discipline; and then at another predetermined date, we will purchase it back at approximately $85,000 and the other terms agreed upon.

Key Dates:

  • Annual Conference votes to allow church departures: August 17, 2024
  • Departure is executed: No later than September 30, 2024

The Church Council held a special meeting immediately following the adjournment of the Church Conference to discuss the vote’s outcome. Due to the compressed timeline for departure, the Church Council discussed several critical issues that needed immediate attention and unanimously approved the following motions:

Motions unanimously approved by the SFUMC Church Council

  1. Motion to Maintain Current Officers

o   Motion: All officers in the church as of August 17, 2024, will continue in office until December 31, 2024.

  • Reason: Provides continuity and allows time for the church to make further decisions.
  1. Motion to Continue the Departure Steering Team

o   Motion: The Departure Steering Team will continue to work under the direction of the Church Council to advise on necessary departure requirements and work with established committees to ensure all requirements are met.

  1. Motion to Appoint Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer

o   Motion: Make a specific resolution naming the current Treasurer (Sam Thompson) and Assistant Treasurer (Kaye Smith) as Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer after the departure date.

  • Reason: Banks will likely require this for financial transactions.
  1. Motion to Appoint Trustees

o   Motion: To make a specific resolution naming the current Trustee Chair (Robert Thompson) and other Trustees (Calvin Scott, Jennifer Smoak, Jason Smith, John Jeselnik, Becky Scott, Emelyn Hunter, Ray Reynolds, Riley Brown) as Trustees after the departure date.

  • Reason: Necessary for insurance and signing legal documents.
  1. Motion to Maintain Operating Rules and Structure

o   Motion: The operating rules and structure of the church as of August 17, 2024, will continue until December 31, 2024, or until the Church Council votes to modify them.

  1. Motion to Negotiate Pastor’s Contract

o   Motion: Authorize the SPRC to negotiate a revised employment contract through June 2025 with the current pastor, including salary and benefits.

  • Reason: Ensures stability in pastoral leadership.
  1. Motion to Authorize Finance Team

o   Motion: Authorize the Finance team to work with other committees to secure the departure funds, finalize bank accounts, and manage fund accounts. The Church Council will approve the payment of funds at a later date.

  • Reason: Ensures financial readiness for departure.
  1. Motion to Hire an Attorney and Finalize Legal Requirements

o   Motion: Authorize the Departure Steering Team, Trustees, and Finance Committee to hire an attorney:

  • To assist with securing the church deed, incorporation, and by-laws.
  • To provide legal protection for church officers.
  • To draft articles of incorporation and by-laws, emphasizing flexibility.
  • To incorporate as “Sylvania First” with the option to change the name later.
  • To update documentation with banks and fund managers.
  • To submit application for a new Employee Identification Number (EIN) with the IRS.
  • To submit application for 501(c)(3) status with the IRS and consider state tax exemptions.
  • Reason: Ensures legal and organizational readiness for departure.
  1. Motion to Explore other Denominations, Associations, or becoming a non-denominational church

o   Motion: Authorize the Departure Steering Team to continue to explore potential alternatives that align more closely with the mission, values, and vision of our congregation. This includes, but is not limited to, options for joining another denomination, association, or becoming a non-denominational church; and bring their findings and recommendations to the Church Council for consideration and potential action.

  • Reason: Guides the church in determining its future affiliation.

Please feel free to reach out to me or any member of the Departure Steering Team or the Church Council if you have questions or need support during this transition.



Members of the Departure Steering TeamDorsia Atkinson, Pat Lane, Calvin Scott, Robert Thompson, Sam Thompson, Jessica Waters


Members of the Church CouncilChuck Weiss, Diane Freeman, Joyce Jamerson, Billie Anne Ruel, LeaAnne Greene, Eddie Redick, Allyson Thomas, Worth Brown, Virginia Moats, William Thomas, Joe Rydzewski, Pat Lane, Robert Thompson, Sam Thompson, Dorsia Atkinson


Let us pray for our church, for unity, and for the continued guidance of the Holy Spirit as we embark on this new chapter together.


Permission Form for Youth & Student Ministries


The 2023-2024 parental consent form is now online. Be sure you have completed a new form by MONDAY, AUGUST 21ST.

Click on the link below:

Click Here to Complete Form

This form will be valid for one year.


Church Calendar Link

The church-wide calendar is filling up for 2024 with meetings and events. You can find the calendar under the News & Events tab on the home page. You can complete the Request An Announcement form, located on our website homepage, to add something to the Church Calendar. If you need to book the fellowship hall for an event, you can complete the Facility Rental form located on our website homepage.

Church Information Sheet

In early July, we started collecting information to input into a new database to help us better communicate with you, to more efficiently maintain our membership records, and to record giving. Our hope is that each person will complete the data sheet at their earliest convenience if you have not already.


There are two ways to update the information:

(1) Data Sheet for all members, non-members, and guests:


(2) Data sheet for children & students:

Data Sheet Link-Youth/Children-Click Here–Child 1

Data Sheet Link-Youth/Children-Click Here–Child 2

Data Sheet Link-Youth/Children-Click Here–Child 3

Data Sheet Link-Youth/Children-Click Here–Child 4

Thanks in advance for your prompt attention as we continue to grow Sylvania First.